Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praktikal oh praktikal....

Aku tgk smua kwn2 aku dah update blog dorg dgn pengalaman2 praktikal..ye lah..dah seminggu lbih kan kita praktikal.. hahaha..aku? mula2 mmg terfikir nak update tp malas.. cuz i dont have much story to share with all of u...

actually i'm a bit frustrated..cuz my target tersasar.. my target is to do my practical @ K.L.. but atas arahan yg dipertua rumah a.k.a my father n my mother..here i am.. in kuching.. waa~~ xpa2..sabar jak lah.. x lamak bah kita praktikal syida.. bln 11 tok dah bleh apply keja bah..so kita apply byk2 kat cnun.. haha..kunching pun best bah.. tp xpat berenjoy gilak kedak d melaka dolok.. this is the reason y i dont wanna go back home.. i dont have the chance to enjoy with my friends..dan hidupku sungguh bosan berada di rumah... ini lah manusia, x pernah puas.. mudah alpa.. tol x? syida...bertaubatlah anda sebelum terlambat...bersyukurlah..ok? InsyaAllah..i'm trying...

K lah , berbalik kpd tajuk asal..praktikal.. i'm doing my intern at RTM kuching,aku diletak kat 4 jabatan.. 2 months in rekabentuk, 1 month in tv( i mean bhg kej. tv ), another 1 month @ radio (kej. radio kot namanya..lupak ku) and another 2 months in ICT department.. sepatutnya they have to give me 1 project to do..so that i can evaluate it in my report, in my presentation.. tapi klo dah dorg letak aku kat lain2 jabatan..means that, i dont have 1 big project to deal with la kan.. i'm waiting for my faculty supervisor to visit me here.. i want to disscuss with him/her.. i want him/her to disscuss with the HR department here...

aku risau sebenarnya.. really worry abt my practical.. takut my marks sikit... this is my final semester and i am expecting a good result for this semester.. supervisor ku..cepat la datang... klo kena tukar tpt practical pun xpa.. back to faculty also i dont care.. for my cgpa.. for my result.. please..please...please...

a week in rekabentuk is fun.. the boss ( ketua unit) , the designers, staff semua baik2..smua friendly2.. and i design n develop a website for the unit.. dah siap tp blm upload kat server.. hahaha.. malas mok g tingkat 6..deal with the technician.. asal aku g jak nya xda..asal aku xda jak nya ada.. klak2 lah ku upload.. mok ber happy2 lok kat ctowk..

k lah.. not much to write.. till then ..daa~~~